Linear Algebra Layer

Linear Algebra Layer

The Linear Algebra layer provides the main abstractions for linear algebra codes. The two top level interfaces are MultiVector, for groups of vectors, and Operator, for operations on MultiVectors.


MutliVectors support many basic array functions, including broadcasting. Additionally, [dot] and [norm] are supported, however they return arrays since [MultiVector]s may have multiple dot products and norms.

MultiVectors represent a group of vectors to be processed together. They are a subtype of [AbstractArray{Data, 2}] and support the [DistObject], and [SrcDistObject] for transfering between any two MultiVectors. Required methods:


commReduce(::MultiVector) may need to be overridden if getLocallArray(multiVector) doesn't return a type useable by sumAll.

See [DenseMultiVector] for a concrete implementation.


DenseMultiVector represents a dense multi-vector. Note that all the vectors in a single DenseMultiVector are the same size

localLength(::MultiVector{Data, GID, PID, LID})::LID

Returns the local length of the vectors in the MultiVector

globalLength(::MultiVector{Data, GID, PID, LID})::GID

Returns the global length of the vectors in the mutlivector

numVectors(::MultiVector{Data, GID, PID, LID})::LID

Returns the number of vectors in this MultiVector

getVectorView(::DenseMultiVector{Data}, columns)::AbstractArray{Data}

Gets a view of the requested column vector(s) in this DenseMultiVector

getVectorCopy(::MultiVector{Data}, columns)::Array{Data}

Gets a copy of the requested column vector(s) in this MultiVector


Returns the array holding the MultiVector's local elements. Changes to the array content are be reflected in the MultiVector


Elementwise reduces the content of the MultiVector across all processes. Note that the MultiVector cannot be distributed globally.



Operators represent an operation on a MultiVector, such as a matrix which applies a matrix-vector product.

Operator is a description of all types that have a specific set of methods.

All Operator types must implement the following methods (with Op standing in for the Operator):

apply!(Y::MultiVector{Data, GID, PID, LID}, operator::Op{Data, GID, PID, LID}, X::MultiVector{Data, GID, PID, LID}, mode::TransposeMode, alpha::Data, beta::Data)

Computes $Y = α\cdot A^{mode}\cdot X + β\cdot Y$, with the following exceptions

  • If beta == 0, apply MUST overwrite Y, so that any values in Y (including NaNs) are ignored.
  • If alpha == 0, apply MAY short-circuit the operator, so that any values in X (including NaNs) are ignored
getDomainMap(operator::Op{Data, GID, PID, LID})::BlockMap{GID, PID, LID}

Returns the BlockMap associated with the domain of this operation

getRangeMap(operator::Op{Data, GID, PID, LID})::BlockMap{GID, PID, LID}

Returns the BlockMap associated with the range of this operation

getRangeMap(::RowGraph{GID, PID, LID})::BlockMap{GID, PID, LID}

Gets the range map for the graph

getDomainMap(::RowGraph{GID, PID, LID})::BlockMap{GID, PID, LID}

Gets the domain map for the graph

apply!(Y::MultiVector, operator, X::MultiVector, mode::TransposeMode=NO_TRANS, alpha=1, beta=0)
apply!(Y::MultiVector, operator, X::MultiVector, alpha=1, beta=0)

Computes $Y = α\cdot A^{mode}\cdot X + β\cdot Y$, with the following exceptions:

  • If beta == 0, apply MUST overwrite Y, so that any values in Y (including NaNs) are ignored.
  • If alpha == 0, apply MAY short-circuit the operator, so that any values in X (including NaNs) are ignored
apply(Y::MultiVector,operator, X::MultiVector,  mode::TransposeMode=NO_TRANS, alpha=1, beta=0)
apply(Y::MultiVector, operator, X::MultiVector, alpha=1, beta=0)

As apply! except returns a new array for the results


Tells JuliaPetra to use the transpose or conjugate transpose of the matrix


Checks whether the given TransposeMode is transposed

applyConjugation(mode::TraseposeMode, val)

If mode is CONJ_TRANS, the take the conjugate. Otherwise, just return the value.



Sparse matrices are the primary Operator in JuliaPetra.

RowMatrix is the base type for all row oriented Petra matrices. RowMatrix fufils both the Operator and DistObject interfaces.


Returns the graph that represents the structure of the row matrix

getLocalRowCopy!(copy::Tuple{<:AbstractVector{<:Integer}, <:AbstractVector{Data}}, matrix::RowMatrix{Data, GID, PID, LID}, localRow::LID)::Integer

Copies the given row into the provided arrays and returns the number of elements in that row using local indices

getGlobalRowCopy!(copy::Tuple{<:AbstractVector{<:Integer}, <:AbstractVector{Data}}, matrix::RowMatrix{Data, GID, PID, LID}, globalRow::GID)::Integer

Copies the given row into the provided arrays and returns the number of elements in that row using global indices

getGlobalRowView(matrix::RowMatrix{Data, GID, PID, LID}, globalRow::Integer)::Tuple{AbstractArray{GID, 1}, AbstractArray{Data, 1}}

Returns a view to the given row using global indices

getLocalRowView(matrix::RowMatrix{Data, GID, PID, LID},localRow::Integer)::Tuple{AbstractArray{GID, 1}, AbstractArray{Data, 1}}

Returns a view to the given row using local indices

getLocalDiagCopy!(copy::MultiVector{Data, GID, PID, LID}, matrix::RowMatrix{Data, GID, PID, LID})::MultiVector{Data, GID, PID, LID}

Copies the local diagonal into the given MultiVector then returns the MultiVector

leftScale!(matrix::RowMatrix{Data, GID, PID, LID}, X::AbstractArray{Data, 1})

Scales matrix on the left with X

rightScale!(matrix::RowMatrix{Data, GID, PID, LID}, X::AbstractArray{Data, 1})

Scales matrix on the right with X

getMap(...), as required by SrcDistObject, is implemented by calling getRowMap(...)

apply!(...), as required by Operator, is implemented, but can be optimized by overrideing the following method localApply(Y::MultiVector, A::RowMatrix, X::MultiVector, ::TransposeMode, α::Data, β::Data) Does the computations for Y = β⋅Y + α⋅A⋅X, X and Y match the row map and column map, depending on the transpose mode

The following methods are currently implemented as no-ops, but can be overridden to improve performance.

setColumnMapMultiVector(::RowMatrix{Data, GID, PID, LID}, ::Union{MultiVector{Data, GID, PID, LID}, Nothing})

Caches a MultiVector that uses the matrix's column map.

getColumnMapMultiVector(::RowMatrix{Data, GID, PID, LID})::Union{MultiVector{Data, GID, PID, LID}, Nothing}

Fetches any cached MultiVector that uses the matrix's column map.

setRowMapMultiVector(::RowMatrix{Data, GID, PID, LID}, ::Union{MultiVector{Data, GID, PID, LID}, Nothing})

Caches a MultiVector that uses the matrix's row map.

getRowMapMultiVector(::RowMatrix{Data, GID, PID, LID})::Union{MultiVector{Data, GID, PID, LID}, Nothing}

Fetches any cached MultiVector that uses the matrix's row map.

Some pre-implemented methods can be optimized by providing specialized implementations apply!, as mentioned above All RowMatrix methods that are also implemented by RowGraph are implemented using getGraph. pack is implemented using getLocalRowCopy getGlobalRowCopy! is implemented by calling getLocalRowCopy! and remapping the values using gid(::BlockMap, ::Integer)

Additionally, Julia's mul! and * functions are implemented for RowMatrix-MultiVector products


An implementation of RowMatrix that uses CSR format
