The Collegeville organization is dedicated to studying, developing, teaching and promoting better computational science and engineering (CSE)
Scientists and engineers use computation as a part of their everyday discovery and design processes. In order to improve the effectiveness of computational approaches, the Collegeville Project is focused on studying, developing, teaching and promoting theory and best practices in CSE.
While many people work to improve the effectiveness of CSE while simultaneously working on a specific CSE project, we are looking at the process of
Collegeville Workshop Series
The Collegeville Project sponsors a series of workshops on scientific software. These events focus on specific subthemes related to the development and use of software for science. Participants come from industry, academic and laboratory institutions, enabling a broader understanding of common and complementary topics across these communities. Details about the workshops can be found here:
Capstone Origins
Some of the content in the Collegeville Project comes from a capstone course on computer science methodologies taught by Michael Heroux since 1998. This material draws upon and develops best practices in oral and written discourse, with the basic goal of always improving each scientist's personal skills for effective communication. Two sub-projects under the Collegeville Project are:
Lex: Effective Software
The Lex Project is focused on studying, developing, teaching and promoting best practices and tools for (scientific and engineering) software engineering.Sagatagan: R&D of R&D
The Sagatagan Project is focused on studying, developing, teaching and promoting theoretical models for CSE collaboration. Of particular interest is the characterization and improvement of
The Sagatagan Project is focused on model-driven approaches to improving team productivity for writing papers, developing software and more, and product sustainability for documents, software and tools.
Capturing Assignment
The Capturing Assignment Project is focused on studying, and developing the best way to collect and grade students' assignments in a GitHub repository.
Authors and Contributors
This site is developed and maintained by Michael Heroux @maherou with assistance from Duong Do @duongdo27 and Jim Willenbring @jwillenbring.
Its content is used as part of a Computer Science capstone course in research methodologies at the College of St. Benedict and St. John's University in rural Collegeville, Minnesota.