Collegeville Workshop 2021

Coming together to advance understanding of scientific software teams

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Applied agile: adapting frameworks to your team’s need

Teatime theme - Collegeville 2021

Nur A. Fadel - CSCS Swiss National Supercomputing Centre

Software development is inextricably linked to the team of developers and its management. Very often the classic methods of personnel management have been used to do this, but in recent years we have seen the increasing use of agile software development methods such as Scrum, Kanban board, extreme programming and others.

These methods have been so successful that they are used even in areas far away from software development such as strategic consulting as they are generalizable to teams that do not necessarily develop software. Like any method, however, each one has its merits and demerits and its effectiveness varies considerably from many variables such as the size of the team, the type of work in question, the cultural approach of the people involved.

In this teatime we would like to discuss which are the most popular methods of sw development and team management with a critical eye on the real benefits.

Since there is no one best method that can be applied across the board, we would like to discuss with the teatime joiners which methods are most effective in their work environment. All this with an eye towards scientific software and also towards new agile development proposals like “shape up”.