Collegeville Workshop 2023

Coming together to advance understanding of scientific software design

This project is maintained by Collegeville

2023 Collegeville Workshop on Scientific Software Whitepapers

To edit this page, make a pull request for the page source on GitHub.

  1. Register your paper with Zenodo to obtain a URL.
  2. Add the author(s), title and DOI to the list below.

Note: If you are uncertain about submitting a pull request, feel free to send your DOI to Mike Heroux

List of papers:

  1. Sochat, Vanessa: Ten Suggested Practices for Software Design
  2. Munson, Todd: Software Design and the PATH Preprocessor
  3. Gates, Jason: Using GitLab Issues for Iterative, Asynchronous Software Design
  4. Lastname, Firstname: Paper Title

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